Olivia is a multidisciplinary artist interested in combining hand-drawn elements and handmade pieces with digital processes. She is a design student at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. Outside of school and work, she dedicates most of her time to the Milwaukee D.I.Y art and music scene by designing flyers and booking, as well as managing her own collaborative space for small artists to connect to local audiences.

What if Statement
What if we could stop health problems before they start to affect us?

Project Description
We as humans have made crazy advancements in health research, yet still, we fall short on addressing health problems that are preventable. Unfortunate parts of the human experience can be forgetting to take medications, having allergic reactions, and overdosing. If medical care were an automatic experience, we could live fuller lives. Aumin is a long acting, long lasting patch insert that routinely surveys blood nutrients to administer the correct dose of whatever someone may need. Aumin may detect an emergency and stop an overdose, level out blood sugar, or stop an allergic reaction almost immediately after it starts.
