Mackenzie is a graphic designer graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a BFA in Design & Visual Communication. During her academics, she has refined her design skills and gained experience with client interactions, marketing, and social media. Working for 2 years as a designer at UWM’s Union Marketing, Mackenzie is able to cross over creativity with a practical application. In her designs, she focuses on effective communication and extreme attention to detail. 

What if Statement
What if you could enter the world of whatever book you're reading?

Project Description
Every book has it's own sticker that comes with it. If you want to just read the book, you don't need the sticker. You need the sticker if you want to be able to enter the world of the book. When you put on the sticker, start reading the book and you will be transported into the world of that book. You will be able to experience the world and interact with its elements and characters. To leave the world, you can take the sticker off and you will be transported back out.
