Killian is a student at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee studying Design and Visual Communications. She likes to think of herself as a creator, she loves the process of hand-making something but also loves the endless possibilities that come with creating digitally. She likes to learn about and explore many different mediums, especially printmaking. Killian fell in love with the process of print and realized how essential it is to be a digital creator that knows how to print.

What if Statement
What if we slept in a leaf at night that provided us with all the nutrients needed to feel our best and has healing properties.

Project Description
Nutrileaf is not just an ordinary leaf, it has amazing properties and characteristics that work wonders throughout the night. A leaf that cradles those who choose to slumber in it that allows humans to absorb vital nutrients through their skin. A leaf that replenishes individuals with nutrients essential for a vibrant life. This leaf is proven to accelerate the body's natural healing process, bringing relief to ailments and soothing both body and mind. This leaf allows you to wake up feeling revitalized and refreshed making sure that you are ready to face life's challenges with a newfound vigor. It has become a symbol of holistic wellness, a leafy refuge that people turn to for a rejuvenating experience and a holistic approach to self-care. This topic interested me because I feel like if we all had something so accessible to help and provide benefits to our health, maybe we would take our health and wellness more seriously. I think that this product would benefit all but specifically those who are sick and are not getting all the nutrients needed. I think that this product would thrive in the future, it would help people recover from illnesses and ailments, cut down on the doctor and hospital visits, and would be accessible for all to use. Imagine a future where we all wake up feeling our 100% and never have to worry about losing this precious resource that benefits our health and wellness.
